résumé des conférences'Late Stage Functionalizations'
The unnatural isotope fluorine–18 (18F) is used as a positron emitter in molecular imaging. Currently, many potentially useful 18F-labeled probe molecules are inaccessible for imaging, because no fluorination chemistry is available to make them. Syntheses must be rapid on account of the 110-minute half-life of 18F and benefit from using [18F]fluoride due to practical access and suitable isotope enrichment. But [18F]fluoride chemistry has been limited in reaction and substrate scope. I will describe the development of novel, modern organometallic reactions directed at the synthesis of 18F and 19F containing complex small molecules. In particular, I will describe the mechanism of an unusual deoxyfluorination reaction, and the mechanism-based application of this reaction to a practical method for 18F incorporation into a variety of small molecules.
'Natural Inspiration in Synthesis: Receptors, relays and reactivity'
The molecules of nature have for many years inpired the development of synthetic chemistry, leading up to the great natural product synthesis of the late 20th century. This lecture will describe how synthesis can also be inspired by natural function as well as structure. It will detail the design from first principles, and development, of foldamer-based artificial receptors which mimic the conformational switching and processes of membrane-bound proteins such as rhodopsin and G-protein coupled receptors. It will describe dynamic structures which make use of the information-handling processes of nucleic acids. It will also describe ways in which control of conformation allows molecules to exhibit unusual reactivity (specifically, enolate arylation and vinylation) - taking inspiration from the way that precise orientational control is central to enzyme catalysis of reactions under mild conditions.
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